PPC Wiki

Minis from G.I. Joe are mini-Battle Android Troopers. (We can call them mini-BATs to save space, though.)

According to creator Tungsten Monk (via e-mail), the mini-BAT's appearance is based on "the basic Mark 0 version that appeared in the G.I. Joe 'Real American Hero' comic series . . . Basically, they look like standard Cobra blueshirts with added funky full-face helmets and random electronics here and there. (I gave Sargent Commander a coalscuttle helmet because their design varied a lot between appearances, but this pic (on the right) is a good example of the default for the Mark 0.)"

Due to being programmed with the thought processes of comic book/90s cartoon terrorists, mini-BATs can be provoked into aggression by mentioning things like "justice" or "freedom," but will act particularly loyal towards agents who themselves display destructive or villainous tendencies.

Canon Origin[]

Battle Android Troopers are mechanized soldiers created by Cobra to serve as ground troops. They are cheap, mass-producible soldiers that always obey orders and don't retreat. They are also mindless, unable to recognize foe from ally and shooting anything that moves. The exception is Overkill, a BAT with special tactical and analytic programming who serves as the commander of the other BATs.

